Hello 👋,

First up, thank you for stopping by and testing out this automated grocery list tool.

<aside> 💡 If you've landed here without any context, you can read more about how this tool came about on my blog: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3.


Secondly, this documentation hopefully isn’t as scary as it first looks. I will try and keep it brief. This tool is super early in its life, it might be “patchy” in places and it’s certainly not as user friendly as it could be 😇

If any of this doesn’t work for you, if you have slightly different needs, or you have a suggestion; please don’t hesitate to email me: [email protected] or message me on Instagram @pete.

Getting started

  1. The Google Sheet template can be found here (Release notes: v0.23 - updated: 08/06/2020)
  2. File → Make a copy

The following sections explain the different sheets/tabs within the template…

Sheet/tab: Regulars / essentials

This sheet is for saving the ingredients and products that we order on a regular basis. Think household items or essentials. Ours include: hand wash, bread and milk.

Items entered here will appear on your weekly grocery list (Sheet: "[Example] Week start: dd/mm/yyyy"), automatically.

Sheet/tab: Subscriptions

We use Amazon Subscribe to automate the items we buy on a frequent basis, more long-term. Ours include toilet roll, dishwasher tablets and baby wipes.

Use this sheet to log anything you subscribe too. The spend can be totalled up and used in the Spending sheet, detailed below.

Sheet/tab: Spending

This sheet is for logging what you spend on a monthly basis, for tracking purposes only. The values you enter will shape the graph below them.

This sheet IS NOT automated based on you enter onto your weekly sheet (Sheet: [Example] Week start: 17/02/2020), but it could be - coming soon.

Sheet/tab: [Example] Week start: XX/XX/XXXX

This is where your weekly (or whatever frequency you like; bi-weekly, monthly) shopping list is generated.